Trying Not to Try: Overthinking My Boundaries

So I’m trying this new thing where I don’t try to do the things I want to do.

I guess one would call that spontaneity.

Although I wouldn’t call it that, I guess. But, for the lack of a better word, we will use that.

Anyway. I’m trying not to do too much thinking when it comes to actually doing something. I often find myself over-thinking and thus, thinking myself right out of doing something. I have no idea where all this thinking I’ve been doing has come from or where it first started, but I can tell you, I don’t like it.

Nope. Not at all. Not one bit.

And it happens WITHOUT THINKING! It’s like I can’t control it. When I decide I want to do something, my brain decides to think about it a little longer. Those few seconds between the decision and actually starting could possibly be the reason for the interception by my mind deciding to take a different route and think about it. I mean, of course, with some decisions it requires some thought. But how long should you really take to think about something you’ve already decided on? Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer for that. Perhaps my brain hasn’t thought of one or came up with too many answers.

I’ve noticed that I’ve done more thinking than doing with even the simplest tasks. I could decide to wash the dishes….annnnddd then the thought of how I am going to wash the dishes comes up. “Dishwasher? Hand-wash? Is there even anymore dishwasher soap left to use? When should I start?” And the thoughts go on and on. I’ve noticed though that I’ve become stuck. Unable to move forward with a decision due to having too many options or the inability to come up with the right one. While I am in thought, there is usually no action.

And the tasks keep piling up.

Dreams keep getting deferred.

Perhaps I am just having a moment. Or maybe trying to break this vicious cycle that has crippled me from taking the first step towards completion.

Let me think about it.

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